Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?
For some generations or communities of people, tattooing is still taboo, something bad and impure.
For other communities, on the contrary, it is something completely common and "natural".
Someone changes their opinion about tattoos during their life, even several times.
Whether we belong to supporters or opponents of tattoos, one question unites us...
Why does anyone get a tattoo?
There can be many reasons.
Here are some typical examples:
1) Searching for inner balance
The purpose of some types of tattoos is to help the wearer find peace and balance, increase concentration, ward off negative thoughts and encourage creativity.

2) Self-expression
One of the most common reasons people get tattoos is to express themselves, to express their unique personality, beliefs or values.

3) Memory / memorial of a significant life event
A tattoo is often used as a memory or memorial to a life event or a close person.Typical examples are the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, a significant achievement, a wedding, etc.In this case, the tattoo is to ensure that we never forget the person or event.

4) Aesthetics
Tattooing is considered a form of art, so a common reason for getting a tattoo is simply that the person likes the tattoo design.

5) Cultural and religious reasons
Tattoos can be an important part of cultural or religious traditions, therefore for some people tattoos are a certain expression of heritage, roots or faith.

6) Symbolism
A tattoo can have a symbolic meaning for the person who wears the tattoo.A tattoo can depict, for example, an animal that represents a certain characteristic of a person or it can depict some other symbol that has a personal meaning for that person.

7) Treatment of mental illness
Some people get tattoos to better cope with some of their psychological traumas and hardships.A tattoo can represent a turning point when (or where) a person felt strong, resilient and full of determination to change their life.Looking at such a tattoo can greatly help a given person in a certain situation to set their mind right and handle the given situation.

8) Personal growth
A tattoo can act as a mark of some personal growth or progress.An example of such a tattoo can be a depiction of overcoming a specific challenge or a long-term goal.

9) Fashion status
Tattoos have become a cultural trend.Therefore, the reason for some may simply be that it is a cultural trend and that they follow this trend and are "in".

10) Identity of a certain group
Some people get tattoos to express their support for a certain group or community of people.An example can be tattoos of members of military units, sports teams, some sub-cultures or just interest groups.

11) Spiritual reasons
For some people, tattoos can have a spiritual meaning.It can be various religious symbols or images representing a connection with God.

12) Making your desires and dreams come true
Some people like to get their life goals and dreams tattooed.The reason may be, for example, that people want to remind themselves that it is not impossible to make their dreams come true.So it is a certain form of motivation.

13) Self-love
For some people, tattoos help them like themselves more.So it can be a special form of therapy when a person beautifies himself and this helps him to like himself more and to value himself more.

14) Expressing and perpetuating a strong feeling in a given moment
It's not unusual for people to get tattoos based on some strong feeling or emotion they're feeling.It is a very impulsive and unthought-out decision, and there may be a risk that a person will change his mind about such a tattoo sometime in the future and then want to remove it or make a so-called cover (re-tattooing an older tattoo with a new tattoo).On the other hand, if a person gets tattooed like this by "his" tattoo artist, with whom he has built a strong and long-term relationship, then this may not be a problem, and such a tattoo can have a very high, even nostalgic, value for the tattooed person.

Why do you get a tattoo?
Why do you condemn tattoos?
Share your opinion in the comments.